Sunflower Bouquet, sale Sunflower, Coral, Ivory Bouquet, Sunflower Bridal Bouquet, Sunflower Wedding, Coral Astilbe, Greenery, Wedding Bouquet
Keep your wedding flowers forever!
This is a listing for a bouquet made of beautiful, bright silk sunflowers, coral silk astilbe, real touch ivory and coral roses, and greenery.
It is 10 inches in diameter.
This bouquet is large; it's a perfect size for the bride who wants a substantial bouquet.
The handle is wrapped with burlap ribbon and ivory lace over the ribbon.
Please message me to have the handle wrapped in a different color ribbon, or enter that color in the notes section upon checkout.
Matching bridesmaid bouquet:
Check out my "sunflowers" section for other matching/coordinating items:
**My sale turnaround time is between 2 weeks and 6 weeks, depending on time of year and stock. Please message me if you are in a rush.
I can create a custom bouquet/boutonniere for you with your wedding colors and/or flower preferences. Just convo me and we can get started!
Thanks for visiting my shop!
**Please enter your wedding/event date in the notes section upon checkout!