Bridal Bouquet, Brooch Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Red Real Touch Calla Lily and Artificial Rose Bouquet with Gold Brooch Embellishments sale
sale A stunning bridal bouquet made with deep red
Real Touch Calla Lilies arranged alongside artificial
red, open roses and embellished with a large gold and
diamante brooch alongside small diamante beads set
in gold stems.
The handle of the bouquet is wrapped in a pale gold
ribbon which has a slight sparkle threaded through.
The bouquet measures approximately 11"
If you like this design but would like one similar
in a different colour just contact me with details
of what you were looking for and I will advice you
of what is available.
Thanks for looking at this listing, please visit my shop
to see my other designs which include more brides bouquets,
bridesmaid flowers, boutonnieres/buttonholes, hair accessories
and corsages.
Please remember to check my shipping and policies page
if you choose to purchase from Silky Pinks, thankyou.